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Bookish Apps & Hacks - Serial Reader makes short work of long books

Bookish Apps & Hacks - Serial Reader makes short work of long books

If the thought of tackling a huge tome is intimidating to you, or you just don't know where and how you'll find the time to get through it, we've stumbled upon a great site you'll want to check out - Serial Reader! If you've never heard of them before basically what they do is help you take small bites of your books, by sending them to you in installments that typically take 20 minutes or less to read. This makes it easier for you to get your read on without toting around your book when it's not convenient, and you can get in a chunk while on breaks at work, on the bus, waiting at the doctor's office, or wherever. Read your installments on your iphone, ipad or Android phone or tablet. Sounds like a win/win to me! Serial Reader focuses on the unabridged version of classic books and if you don't see a book you like there's an option to request a book as well. You can also sync your reading progress with Goodreads - now how cool is that?


If you're looking for a way to make your reading more manageable, head on over to the Serial Reader website for more info. Happy Reading!


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